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Monday, December 13, 2010

Lets End the Year with Ugly Sweaters!

WTF is an ugly sweater party?

Well I guess its a "northwestern" thing cuz they party in ugly sweaters all the time up there! Since two of our roomies are from the NORTH, we decided to embrace their tradition and throw an ugly sweater dinner, also in celebration of finishing finals, the beginning of the holidays, and just spending quality time together as housemates. This was the FIRST time we have ever sat together, all 6 of us, and shared a meal together! It was really a memorable experience that I will always cherish :)

we all made something we were good at and shared!

baked mashed potatoes with peas carrots- made by meee
roasted cauliflower drizzed with butter and parsley- made by richelle (the health freak!)
fucking delicious homemade mac and cheese with bacon and onions and MORE cheese- made by angela :) (so fing gooood)
theresa's specialty dish- kimchi fried rice! delicious ever time she makes it!
my greek chicken lemon soup, first time making it and it was a sucess! hooray!!
canned corn- nuf said
roasted sweet potatoes with honey and cinnamon OMG THE BOMB- made by richelle
yummy bulgogi with mushrooms and onions from vivian!

our feast set out on the dining room table :)
roomies pic in our ugly sweaters! love you all!!!
The night ended with our secret santa exchange, killing this bottle of skyy, and going bar hopping in Costa Mesa then Hungtington Beach. My car didn't smell very pleasant the next day HAHAHHA.

CHEERS to good friends, good food, and an exciting NEW YEAR! :D

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