
Hi. Welcome to my little blog. If anything, I just hope it makes you drool a little, or a lot! Enjoy.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Vegas Sweets

Sigh, Vegas vegas vegas. I left my heart there, as well as my earrings and vivian's phone. Can't wait to go back since it was so much effing fun! Seriously, whatever goes there hahaha.
After our massive hangover saturday night, we needed to eat food. like seriously we were starving. Right across from our hotel was caesar's palace so we went to their buffet. LUCKY US, we decided to get the buffet of buffets deal where you eat as much as you want at 5 different buffets for 24 hours, for $50 bucks! BUT, the waitress was so out of it she said $40 on accident so had to give us the discount. HAHAHAHA. So we ate there for lunch, then a snack at Emperor's Palace, then dinner at Village Buffet in Paris. YAY for buffets in vegas!

This was a macaroon from Village Buffet in Paris. fluffyyyyyyy :)
BOMB ASS hot chocolate, we had 4 cups. HAHAHA the waitnress gave us the stink eye every time we asked for another cup. whoops.
All these deserts came from caesar's palace. They looked good, tasted whatever. Points for presentation though!


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