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Monday, August 23, 2010

Jumbo Egg Tart

The amount and diversity of pastries you can find in HK is amazingly huge. Even just one bread shop will have over 30 different types of delicious goodies. I want to try them all, and I would if I could!! A few that stood out to me were..

chocolate covered waffle. omg. Isn't it beautiful?
Even cooler: deep dish Egg Tart (Dan Tat). Whoever invented this is a freaken genius. Why can't all egg tarts look and taste like this? Basically, its like 3 egg tarts in 1. The whole filling is egg!! I had to eat it with a spoon. I was so happy :)
Now, time to run and sweat in ridiculous hot weather so I can enjoy more and more jumbo egg tarts.

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